I bring a hyper-focused container, wrapped in a laid-back vibe and 15 years of playing with online/digital assets for fun, money, and sheer curiosity, as a side quest for every “real” job I've held since 1996.
After leaving retail management in November of 2022, I decided to deep-dive into helping other mid-life women use automation in their biz so they work less and make more money without sacrificing their personalized services or so much of their personal life and self-care.
My goal is to help authors, coaches, designers, educators, and professional service providers hand as many of their manual, mundane tasks, as makes sense for them, over to tech team members they trust and will use.
You already do amazing things. There's no need to add finding, managing, and troubleshooting tech and automation that helps run and grow your business to your to do list.
If I'm not on the computer working,
I'm following the orders of Rapsoliloquy (aka Lily, the Cataccountant) or,
reading and watching, sometimes simultaneously, anything paranormal, mystery, fantasy, rom-com, urban, historical fiction or
practicing and learning to write better, faster.
Meowllo, I'm Rapsoliloquy aka Lily
The Cataccountant
Talkative. Meowpinionated. Loves long naps in the sun.
Main job: make sure my human balances her book of biz and book of life with my treat tosses, cuddles, playtime, feeding, and sleep schedule.